Lula 3D 2 Review (2025)

1. Lula 3D review - Adventure Gamers

  • 25 jan 2008 · Not to be outdone by the poor writing, the game design in Lula 3D proves to be equally lousy. By sticking closely to established genre formula ...

  • Lula 3D tries hard to be hot, but gamers shouldn't be bothered with this lewd adventure that's more erratic than erotic. | Lula 3D review

Lula 3D review - Adventure Gamers

2. sisominux's Review of Lula 3D - GameSpot

  • 4 aug 2008 · As for sound, music is anonymous and the characters' voice acting is even worse than what you can hear in the worst porn movies. Always on the ...

  • In Lula 3D you play as erotic film maker Lula, who is attempting to rescue her kidnapped stars in a chase across the nation.

sisominux's Review of Lula 3D - GameSpot

3. Lula 3D Retrospective |

  • 18 jan 2011 · Lula 3D isn't just a bad game; it's genuinely offensive in the way it sullies the medium and depicts women.

  • We look back at a game most would rather forget, Lula 3D, to see if it's as bad as they said.

Lula 3D Retrospective |

4. PC (meta) Review: 'Lula 3D' - Gnome's Lair

  • 23 mrt 2006 · Lula 3D is (supposedly) an adventure game, it's such a poor experience, that having a dog hump your leg sounds exciting and fun.

  • To be quite honest, the way this review was written was heavily inspired by the review summaries posted by dear Elderly Gamer over at his e...

PC (meta) Review: 'Lula 3D' - Gnome's Lair

5. CooperTeam's Review of Lula 3D - GameSpot

CooperTeam's Review of Lula 3D - GameSpot

6. brutalmoose Lula 3D Review

  • 23 nov 2014 · It was taken down because of YouTube's Content ID system, despite the video being just as fair use as all my others. Really frustrating that it ...

  • originally posted Nov 23, 2014 This is the first video of mine that YouTube ever removed, and it wasn’t even because of the bouncin’ boobs technology! It was taken down because of YouTu…

brutalmoose Lula 3D Review

7. Lula 3D |

  • 20 jan 2006 · To make matters worse, the developers haven't even bothered to make the porn stars look at all different from each other - the lady wandering ...

  • The Lula 3D box displays a picture of the titular heroine perched atop satin sheets wearing a bikini and stockings, alo…

Lula 3D |

8. Lula 3D Reviews - Metacritic

  • 22 jun 2005 · Lula 3D ; My Score. Drag or tap to give a rating Saved ; All Platforms. tbd ; Critic Reviews · There are no critic reviews for this game yet. ; tbd.

  • Metacritic aggregates music, game, tv, and movie reviews from the leading critics. Only uses METASCORES, which let you know at a glance how each item was reviewed.

9. BrutalMoose Lula 3D Review - Internet Archive

  • 20 mrt 2021 · Lula 3D is the 60th video review done by the YouTube channel BrutalMoose hosted by Ian MacLeod. Released circa November 2014 the video is a comedic review of ...

  • Ian Plays a Sex Game 2: Electric BoobalooLula 3D is the 60th video review done by the YouTube channel BrutalMoose hosted by Ian MacLeod. Released circa...

BrutalMoose Lula 3D Review - Internet Archive

10. Lula 3D - Bad Game Hall of Fame

  • 22 sep 2022 · Only, Lula's adoring public seemed none too keen on her leap into 3D, as the title would go on to be heralded as one of the worst adventure ...

  • "It's a Mixed Up, Muddled Up, Shook Up World. Except for Lula. Lu-lu-lu-lu, Lula." The Queen of adult games is dead. Long live Lula, and glory to her all-too-brief eight year reign. We examine the circumstances that lead to her first 3D title also serving as her last, as well as the histories of her franchise and her original creator. All in explicit detail, of course.

Lula 3D - Bad Game Hall of Fame

11. Lula 3D Retrospective |

  • 18 jan 2011 · In terms of the interface, Lula 3D feels similar to others from the first generation of 3D adventure titles. The keyboard and mouse controls are ...

  • We look back at a game most would rather forget, Lula 3D, to see if it's as bad as they said.

Lula 3D Retrospective |

12. Reader reviews for Lula 3D - Adventure Gamers

  • No ratings have yet been submitted. Your Rating: 0.5 star, 1 star, 1.5 stars, 2 stars ...

  • Lula 3D - Reader Reviews

Reader reviews for Lula 3D - Adventure Gamers

13. Lula 3D - IGN

  • Release Date, Trailers, News, Reviews, Guides, Gameplay and more for Lula 3D. ... 4. 2 Ratings. Are You Playing? Rate Game. Overview · Playlists · Reviews.

  • Release Date, Trailers, News, Reviews, Guides, Gameplay and more for Lula 3D

Lula 3D - IGN

14. Lula 3D (2005) - Backloggd

  • 22 jun 2005 · Reviews View More ... In this game (?) a rubber duck gets a motor but no-one ever motor-boated Lula...and there's 3D without her getting a single ...

  • Lula 3D is an adult video game. It was published and developed by CDV Software.

Lula 3D (2005) - Backloggd

15. Lula 3D - release date, videos, screenshots, reviews on RAWG

  • 16 jul 2024 · Lula 3D is an adventure game developed by RedFire Software. It was originally released in 2006. It was published by cdv Software Entertainment.

  • Lula 3D ✔Game Info ✔ Reviews ✔ Screenshots ✔ Videos ✔

Lula 3D - release date, videos, screenshots, reviews on RAWG

16. Lula 3D (Video Game) - TV Tropes

  • The back of the box and other promotional material makes it sound like the game involves Lula having sex with as many people as possible. In reality, Lula can ...

  • Lula 3D is a point-and-click adventure H-game game developed and published by German developer CDV Software Entertainment in 2005 in the UK and 2006 in the rest of Europe. The game is the fifth installment in the Lula series of erotic games …

Lula 3D (Video Game) - TV Tropes

17. 'Lula 3D' - E3 Screens Features and Gamestory - Worthplaying

  • 23 mei 2002 · We recived some new E3 screens from CDV and their upcoming Erotic 3D Adventure game, Lula 3D ... PC Review - 'Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2'.

  • We recived some new E3 screens from CDV and their upcoming Erotic 3D Adventure game, Lula 3D. Hit read more below to *drool* at the screens!

'Lula 3D' - E3 Screens Features and Gamestory - Worthplaying
Lula 3D 2 Review (2025)
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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Views: 6242

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (76 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.